ELDOA consists of postural exercises which create space in the joint in order to improve mechanics, articulation, hydration, and nutrition.
⁃ Relieves acute and chronic back, hip, sacroiliac, neck, jaw, and shoulder pain.
⁃ Improves the kinesthetics of the spine and biomechanics of your joints.
⁃ Positively affects the cardiac, respiratory, lymph, and digestive systems.
⁃ Improves muscle tone and posture.
- Improves the mind-body connection.
With ELDOA, we are able to target the specific joint where you have pain in order to open the joint space, create micro-movements for proprioceptive feedback to the brain and stimulate blood flow to aid in the recovery of the area.
The best part about it is these exercises can be done with a coach and also on your own in order to optimize your recovery process. Each posture requires no more than one minute of holding. With proper technique and guidance, the health of your spine and other joints will not only be relieved but long-lasting.
"I had never heard of ELDOAs before and when I first started working with Chris was a little skeptical of their benefit. After consistent work with Chris doing ELDOAs at the end of each workout I noticed that my back was no longer a source of on-going discomfort. On the occasion I get a headache that won’t go away, the general ELDOA is better medicine than a pill.”
“ELDOAs saved me from potentially months of pain and discomfort. During pandemic lockdown—when Chris and I weren’t training in person and I didn’t have access to a chiropractor—the daily routine Chris showed me of General ELDOA, neck ELDOAs and L5-S1, kept my C7 disc bulge manageable. In fact, I went six-plus months without an adjustment—the longest time between corrections since my diagnosis in 2009—and when I finally did go, the chiropractor didn’t even correct my neck such was the high quality of the neck tissue!”