C.H.E.K, SOMA, ELDOA, Manual Etiotherapist & Holistic Lifestyle coach
We use a Holistic approach to assist you in becoming healthier through exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle habits.
We use a Holistic approach to assist you in becoming healthier through exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle habits.
We're all different. Therefore, we approach each client individually when it comes to exercise, nutrition and lifestyle programs.
We offer in-person coaching, virtual coaching, life coaching and nutrition advice using our primal pattern dieting approach.
ELDOA consists of postural exercises which create space in the joint in order to improve mechanics and articulation. We will teach you the proper mechanics on how to improve the health of your spine, and other joints.
The philosophy of Manual Etiotherapy is the process of getting to the root of the problem.
Manual Etiotherapy allows us to find the cause of an acute or chronic ailment and create a treatment.
We offer in-person coaching, virtual coaching, life coaching and nutrition advice using our primal pattern dieting approach.
An integral part to normalizing the body's function and overall health
SomaTraining is a training methodology. It is unique to you and helps with not only rehabilitation but strength and conditioning as well.
SomaTraining is considered to be one of the most important component of exercise technique...
I’ve been training with Chris since 2017. Our work together involved a combination of SomaTherapy for the spine, pelvis, and TMJ along with ELDOAs focusing on my pelvis and lower spine. These days, I’m virtually free of lower back pain and have good pelvis and overall body awareness. This is down in large part to SomaTherapy. We then started reintroducing some Olympic lifting into my program.
ELDOAs have saved me from potentially months of pain and discomfort. In fact, I went six-plus months without an adjustment—the longest time between corrections since my diagnosis in 2009—and when I finally did go, the chiropractor didn’t even correct my neck such was the high quality of the neck tissue!
Chris’ approach of looking at the body as a system is brilliant. In this sense, Chris’ training is truly holistic.
I highly recommend working with Chris! The training has been life altering. I have never felt so personally responsible for my own exercise and well-being, which might sound like a strange thing to say about a personal training experience, but Chris has altered my perceptions by expanding my mind, taught me to listen to my body and how it communicates, and has given me the tools and techniques to take care of myself well into old age. This is the differentiator between the Dekhana Wellness approach and other training modalities. You come to Chris to change your whole way of being and lifestyle and emerge capable of taking responsibility for tending to your mind, body and spirit.
Read about the experiences other clients have had with Dekhana Wellness Inc.
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